Conncurrent manger Problems

I Post this after suffering with Concurrent manager  in customer side

Summary of Possible Reasons and Solutions for the Problem Where All Concurrent Requests Stuck in Pending Phase

Below are several different possible solutions to the problem where concurrent
requests are stuck in pending status:

1. When shutting down the concurrent manager are there any FNDLIBR processes still running at the OS level? If so, do a kill -9 on them. Then restart the concurrent manager.

2. Try Relinking $FND_TOP.
3. Rebuild the concurrent manager views. As applmgr run the following from
the OS:

This is non-destructive. Concurrent Manager views can be rebuild by running the following command at the command line:

Ensure that concurrent manager is shutdown.


restart the concurrent mgr.

4. Another possibility is that the Profile Option “Concurrent: OPS Request Partitioning” is set to OFF (by default). Unless Concurrent OPS is being used, the setting for this profile option should be NULL.

5. Yet another possibility is that System Profile Option: Concurrent Active
Requests is set to 0.

1. Log into Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN.
2. Select System Administrator responsibility.
3. Navigate to PROFILE –> SYSTEM.
4. Query for %CONC%ACTIVE%.
5. Change the profile option for Concurrent: Active Request Limit to Null (blank).
6. Exit Oracle Applications and log in again for the change to take affect.
7. Run a new concurrent request.

6. Another possibility is that Concurrent managers were brought down, while an
outstanding request was still running in the background. In which case, Update
the FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table as follows:

sql> update fnd_concurrent_requests
set status_code=’X’, phase_code=’C’
where status_code=’T’;
sql> commit;

7. The control_code for concurrent_queue_name = ‘FNDCRM’ is ‘N’ in the FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES table, which means ‘Target node/queue unavailable’. This value should be NULL (CRM is running; target and actual process amount are the same), or ‘A’ (‘Activate concurrent manager’ control status).

Set the control_code to ‘A’ in fnd_concurrent_queues for the Conflict Resolution Manager:

1. Logon to Oracle Applications database server as ‘applmgr’.
2. Verify the Applications environment is setup correctly ($ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID).

3. Logon to SQL*Plus as ‘APPS’ and run the following SQL statement:

update fnd_concurrent_queues
set control_code = ‘A’
where concurrent_queue_name = ‘FNDCRM’;


4. Verify the status of the concurrent managers through the
Concurrent -> Manager -> Administer form.

If the CRM is still not active, bounce (deactivate, activate) the Internal Concurrent Manager. This is done through the Concurrent -> Manager ->

Administer form from the ‘System Administrator’ responsibility. It can also be done through the CONCSUB command at the command level.

Setting the control_code to ‘A’ in the fnd_concurrent_queues table for the Conflict Resolution Manager indicates that this concurrent manager is to be activated with the parameter values specified through this table for this manager (MAX_PROCESSES, CACHE_SIZE, etc).

8. What is the cache size? Try increasing it then bounce the concurrent manager.

If concurrent requests are rarely prioritized and there are managers that service short-running requests, consider setting the cache size to equal at least twice the number of target processes. This increases the throughput of the concurrent manaagers by attempting to avoid any sleep time. For example, if more than one manager or worker processes the same type of requests with only a small cache size, it may be unable to process any jobs in a single processing cycle, because other processes have already run the cached requests. When this happens, it is important to note that the manager will sleep before refreshign its cache. To increase manager throughput where there are sufficient requests of the required type in the queue, increase the cache size to improve the chance of the manager finding work to process and thus avoid having to enter a sleep phase.

TIP: Ensure that the system is not resource-constrained before attempting to increase the rate of concurrent processing in this way; otherwise, these changes may actually reduce concurrent processing throughput because jobs take longer to run..

Enter the number of requests your manager remembers each time it reads which requests to run. For example, if a manager’s workshift has 1 target process and a cache value of 3, it will read three requests,, and will wait until these three requests have been run before reading new requests.

In reading requests, the manager will only put requests it is allowed to run into its cache. For example, if you have defined your manager to run only Order Entry reports then the manager will put only Order Entry requests into its cache.

If you enter 1, the concurrent manager must look at its requests list each time it is ready to process another request. By setting the cache size at a higher number, the concurrent manager does not have to read its requests list each time it runs a request. However, the manager does not recognizea nay priority changes you make for a particular request if it has already read that request into its cache. Further, even if you give a higher priority to a new request, that new request must wait until the buffer isempty and the manager returns to look at the requests list. That request may have to wait a long time if you set the buffer size to a high number.

You should use cache size to tune your concurrent managers to work most efficiently for you site’s needs. If your organization tends to reprioritize jobs going to a certain manager, that manager should have its buffer size set fairly low.

*Suggestion: *Enter a value of 1 when defining a manager that runs long, time-consuming jobs, and a value of 3 or 4 for managers that run small, quick jobs.

9. Please check the sleep seconds set for the concurrent manager which runs the report that is taking long time for completion. Reducing the sleep time will improve performance.

1. Check for the value set for the sleep seconds for the concurrent manager using the following path: System Administrator Responsibilty -> Concurrent -> Manager -> Define.

2. Check the processes running for the concurent manager using the following command:

ps -ef | grep ‘INVLIBR’

As all concurrent programs are dealt by INVLIBR, the number of processes returned here must tally with the value specified for the processes defined for the concurrent manager.

3. Also, check for the duration for which the processes are sleeping. Reducing the value assigned for it would improve performance.